This podcast is published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this podcast and website are ©The Green Box, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

Who are we?

Jake Cook can’t stop thinking about RPGs. He works full-time as a municipal law enforcement officer in the American South and is a US Army Reservist. Besides DGRPG, enjoys reading, collecting, and occasionally running and playing RPGs of all types. He’s also an avid comic book reader and collector. A small collection of his Delta Green work can be found here.

Kevin Ham has been running and playing in Delta Green games for several years. His 2017 Shotgun Scenario winning entry Operation: STOP REPO was picked up for publication in The Unspeakable Oath. He freelance maps for Arc Dream Publishing and has worked on Control Group, Hourglass, The Labyrinth, and others. He is a former Federal Law Enforcement Officer and currently works supporting Homeland Security projects in New England. Outside of Delta Green he enjoys DnD and Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars system.

Max Nelson thought Delta Green was last-season-of-X-Files garbage. That changed when Will memed him into actually reading the book. Like George Bernard Shaw, he’s been compulsively writing ever since, churning out a just-about-readable stream of DG content.

Will Roy hails from the frozen Canadian north, with a diverse background in tabletop games from Dungeons and Dragons to Twilight Imperium. Though a longtime fan of paranormal conspiracy shows The X-Files and Fringe, Delta Green was his introduction to the Cthulhu Mythos, and since then Will has become an avid fan of modern Lovecraftian horror. Will's GM style leans heavily on music and sound to create atmosphere, and is probably how he got roped into doing all the editing work for the podcast. He's also about the only person left who bothers to write about M-EPIC.

Past contributors

Thomas DiPaolo used to spend his middle school allowance on issues of Hellboy, and now that he makes his own money, he still spends it all on weird fiction. He’s a late arrival to RPGs who hopes that by participating in the Green Box’s discussions, he will improve his own skills as a player and gamemaster by 1D10 points every session.